Parent Consultation on SQA arrangments
This consultation is for parents of students involved in Highers and/or Advanced Highers, on behalf of the National Parent Forum Scotland.
From Gemma Douglas, NPFS Representative
You may recall that we carried out a Snap Poll in early October to establish the views of Parents on the delivery of the 2020/21 exam diet. We are now looking to capture the views of parents/carers across the country. It is clear that COVID is impacting everyone differently across the various Local Authority regions and in some schools the level of disruption to our young people’s learning is significant, yet in other areas of the country there is little impact. With that in mind we would like to know to what extent, if any, parents and carers are concerned about the impact the current health restrictions will have on their child’s preparation for Higher and Advanced Higher exams. We are looking to establish if there is any differences of opinions between the different Local Authority areas, so please take a minute to complete this short survey in full.
Below is the link to our survey which is aimed directly at the Parents and Carers of pupils sitting Highers and/or Advanced Highers, to help us establish how COVID has impacted on their learning and preparation for their exams in 2021
The closing date for the survey is the 30th November 2020 so please feel free to share.
We really need to hear your voice!
Should you wish any further information on the National Parent Forum of Scotland or would like a copy of our findings once published, please visit our website or email us using the address below.
Thank you