Key messages for S4-6 students from SQA exams assembly
This morning there was an SQA exams assembly for S4-6 students. Key messages are summarised below:
- Students should now have their exam timetable. They should check their name, address and details of courses. If there are any errors, they should go to the school office.
- Students should ensure that they have collected and read the SQA Your Exams booklet – this has important messages regarding these exams.
- Students sitting exams should be in school uniform.
- Students are welcome to come into the school to study during exam leave. School uniform is to be worn.
- Students should ensure that they are at the exam hall at least 10 minutes before exams start.
- If students are late to exams, they will be allowed in up to 30 minutes after the start time. Beyond that, they will not be allowed in. No extra time will be given. This is an SQA rule.
- If a student is unable to sit an exam for an reason, they must phone the school office as soon as possible. While the school will submit evidence of assessed work from throughout the year, there is no guarantee that the student will be awarded a grade based on this.
- On holidays and in-service days when there are exams, transport is being put on for any students living in the catchment who normally get a bus. Students who live out-with the catchment area need to make their own transport arrangements.
- Exams of five candidates of less may take place in the Additional Support area (rather than in the exam hall).
- All National 4 Units need to be completed by 20th May. Students should liaise with their teachers to make sure this happens.
- Lockers need to be cleared out before the start of exam leave.
- Textbooks need to be returned to teachers.
- School leavers should ensure that completed Leavers Forms have been returned to the school office.
Mr Robertson