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University Preparation

At Eyemouth High School we work closely with LEAPs to encourage progression into Higher education (HNC, HND, and degree level courses). Input starts in S4 with workshops to introduce what student life is really like. In S5 pupils have further workshops exploring what university has to offer as well as individual interviews before subject choices are made. In S6 pupils have individual interviews and pre-application checks are sent to Universities pupils are considering applying to. For more information go to

Parents of S5 pupils are invited to attend the LEAPS S5 Parents' & Carers' Information Evening which is taking place on Wednesday 25 March 2020 from 7-9pm at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh Campus, Riccarton).


 Summer School Opportunities

The Sutton Trust offers a free summer school for S5 pupils. The summer schools run in July and August, taking place at 13 different institutions across the UK. Applications are being accepted now. The deadline is 3rd March 2020. For more information follow this link:

Oxford University's UNIQ programme offers free spring and summer school opportunities. The weeks are allocated randomly based on your subject choice. The deadline for applications is 27th January 2020. For more information follow this link:

The RZSS offers a free Science summer school at Edinburgh Zoo and at Highland Wildlife park. Open to 16-18 year olds. The deadline for applications is 9th March 2020. For more information follow this link: