S5/6 Parents' Evening
S5/6 Parents' Evening - Wednesday 16.01.19
Please see below for recent school newsletters.
S5/6 Parents' Evening - Wednesday 16.01.19
S4-6 Study Zone Programme now available.
Prelim timetable and related information.
Higher Chemistry support
All S4, S5 & S6
Modern Languages, English and Maths support.
Today we launch our new Eyemouth High School website. This has been in development for a number of months - we hope that you like it and find it useful.
We have tried to organise the website so that it's as easy as possible to use. We've also tried to include resources that should be of interest for you. For example, in the National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher course areas (found under "Faculties") , you will find links to resources such as SQA support materials, BBC Bitesize and the "Nutshell" series, which gives you information about each of the courses.
Not every section of our new website is fully developed, but we will be updating different sections over the coming weeks and months.
Some features which I think are worth pointing out to you are:
Mr B. Robertson, Depute Headteacher