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The Sciences curriculum area includes the study of ​planet Earth; forces, electricity and waves; biological systems; materials; and topical science.

Through learning in the sciences, children and young people develop their interest in, and understanding of, the living, material and physical world. They engage in a wide range of collaborative investigative tasks, which allows them to develop important skills to become creative, inventive and enterprising adults in a world where the skills and knowledge of the sciences are needed across all sectors of the economy.

Sciences staff

  • Ms R Blair (Principal Teacher of Sciences, Chemistry and Horticulture)
  • Ms S Bowie (Biology)
  • Ms H Le-Mar (Physics and Maths)
  • Dr K Lymer (Physics and Horticulture)
  • Mrs McDougall Welch (Biology)
  • Miss A Neil (Biology)
  • Dr D Robertson (Biology)
  • Miss L Stevenson (Chemistry and Laboratory Sciences)