Resources which support our approaches to lesson observations can be found in this section of our website.
Lesson observations are an important part of our whole-school commitment to continuous teaching and learning improvement. Observations may be informal (for example, a teacher watching all or part of another teacher's lesson) or more formal (for example, a member of our Extended Management Team observing all or part of a lesson).
There is often value in sharing a plan for a lesson with an observer prior to the lesson taking place. A template is included below.
Our school Lesson Evaluation Toolkit is also included below. It is good practice for the person who taught a lesson to complete a self-evaluation of their lesson prior to meeting to discuss the lesson with the person who observed it.
For more formal observations, following a meeting to discuss the lesson, the person who observed the lesson should complete a Lesson Feedback Summary form. This should be shared with the teacher's line manager and Depute Headteacher (Teaching & Learning). The points recorded in this form should help inform the teacher's Professional Learning Plan (PLP), which should be updated roughly every 10 weeks.
Further details of our expectations regarding lesson observations can be found in our school Professional Learning Policy (found in the Professional Learning section of this website).